I am in the process of creating a celiac disease (CD) awareness campaign on BYU campus. I am doing my internship through the Women's Services and Resource Center and am super excited for this campaign. We have three classes planned and will be broken down as follows:
Got Celiac?
Thurs Feb 18th WSC 3238 11am-12pm
Signs & Symptoms • How to be tested • How to overcome effects of CD
•Adapting to a gluten free lifestyle • How to help family & friends living with celiac disease
Gluten Free for Life?
Thurs Feb 25th WSC 3380 11am-12pm
Eating gluten free socially • Finding GF foods
Reading labels • Planning menus • GF support groups & resources
Life tastes Good Again
Thurs March 4th WSC 3223 11am-12pm
Gluten free product samples • Modify favorite recipes •
If you have good GF recipes you would like to share email by March 3rd to kate_call@byu.edu
The classes are free and are open to all BYU students, employees and their family members. I've been amazed over the past three weeks of planning and building posters and talking with my co-workers how many of us have CD or have friends or family who have it. The more I talk to people here on campus the more I recognize the need for awareness and education.
I am really excited about the classes. If they are successful it may be something that is continued here on campus. I am also planning on starting a BYU Celiac facebook page with updates on activities of the Celiac Club, local GIG meetings, events and more. If you have any ideas on how to make it successful, please let me know.